Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mr.Atul Punj,Chairman,Punj Lloyd Group on a visit to Dr.Naresh Trehan's MEDANTA-MEDICITY,Gurgaon,Haryana.Pix by Sateash Kumar Jain.
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Dear Mr.Pranab dada,I am exemplifying the pain of millions of indians.You have failed them.When sky rocketing prices of essential commodities are taxing the depleted household income of vast populations it is a cruel joke in offering 108-1200 or so,tax savings.An additional minimum Rs.2000 to 20000 is required to manage a family of four your inability to provide any thing substantial is more acute.There is not a single shown desired step to boost up the economy.When umpteen millions in Surat's diamond industry,thousands of women of formerly garment industry are looking down the barrel,tell me where is the succour? HOPES ARE ALWAYS NOT FOR BELIEING!Give indian hopes a chance.As it is,they Indians deserve sympathy.Sateash Kumar Jain,

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Marxist Terrorist's at war among themselves in Lalgarh,W.Bengal.

Three decades of sheer terror ladden rule of CPM is coming to an gory end in West Bengal.Over a lakh political opponents of the marxists are already butchered&gone.Milking development funds in full,these comrades will go to any extent to protect their money channel.Now the war is on.Between the deprived&have beens,and their gone astray masters.It is funny to see CPM deriding their own cultivated ilk.The nemesis of Indian people,the communists of all hues have to be vanquished from Indian Politics.In 5 years time,there will be none left to write even an obituary on demise of Communist's from India.Such is Indian peoples utter disgust with these secular cows with Chinese,Russian


The time has come to recast BJP without shedding even a bit of ideology and affiliations.To take it to the sun's orbitory[The generous sage who charge us each day],4 one absolute call of nation.Show, we must that we are closer to people.And we care for every one. Letus go to those places where the youth lives.Let us create a futuristic bond with future's-best-practitioner BJP.Let it become Bharatiya Janata Parivaar.India,Indian's aspirations are seen only important to BJP,none else we always mail;

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ethic's be upheld from the beginning itself.

Professed aim of UPA in India is running dignified,ethical,pro-masses government.So it will be immoral to continue to have Mr.S.Jagathrakshakan,demander of huge amounts as donation for admission to M.B.B.S COURSE'S in hospital's being run under him.His name implies that he will safeguard the world,but he is exactly the opposite.He is extractor of money from gulliable public&he ain't not need to give any receipt for 20 lacs INR!What a gal!Despite caught in camera,the honourable[?] minister continues tell all sort of lies. Dr.Man Mohan Singh Ji,It is just the beginning & you can't afford bad controversial ministers.Request you to nip in the bud.Such malaise,malicious ministers who will give you&the govt bad name.Send a stern message,across the board.To all your subordinates.Zero tolerence.To people who bring bad name,even before the gov't had time to settle down.One action now will go a long way.To ensure that people under you are cautious.Of your good image&name.Sateash kumar

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hopes from Indian Ministry.

Dear friends,greetings.we,Indian Nationals aspirations will form the crux of India Aspire blog.Also mail to me; When the countries 25% of population, er citizenery is perched just above the Sub Saharan countries in terms of Poverty ,hunger&death,this ministry should work.To remove this great anomality of otherwise world surger nation.Indian's expect that no one goes to sleep in hunger & govt. ensures it.Not a hard task when you think of vast administrative machinery,abundant food grains stock and over flowing bank coffers.India Aspire.Sateash kumar jain.