Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mr.Atul Punj,Chairman,Punj Lloyd Group on a visit to Dr.Naresh Trehan's MEDANTA-MEDICITY,Gurgaon,Haryana.Pix by Sateash Kumar Jain.
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Dear Mr.Pranab dada,I am exemplifying the pain of millions of indians.You have failed them.When sky rocketing prices of essential commodities are taxing the depleted household income of vast populations it is a cruel joke in offering 108-1200 or so,tax savings.An additional minimum Rs.2000 to 20000 is required to manage a family of four your inability to provide any thing substantial is more acute.There is not a single shown desired step to boost up the economy.When umpteen millions in Surat's diamond industry,thousands of women of formerly garment industry are looking down the barrel,tell me where is the succour? HOPES ARE ALWAYS NOT FOR BELIEING!Give indian hopes a chance.As it is,they Indians deserve sympathy.Sateash Kumar Jain,